Drama Cake 2.0

This was the wedding cake last two weeks. I overbooked myself for that weekend. Lucky me Syira was available to give a hand. I managed to deliver all the cakes and orders on time. Alhamdulillah.

Unfortunately, the last cake, the very most important cake on that day was such a drama!!!!!😱😱😱 Seteressss ai! Such a very drama cake I cant' even take a proper photo of this cake. I went out for delivery two hours earlier from actual time to Butterworth to avoid the jam, but not even half way the cake was meltingggggggggg and 'menyenget'. Ai stress again erghhhhh!

I rushed back since the cake was not presentable for customer especially for wedding occasion. I only had half an hour left to touch up the cake. It was a heartthrob moment, Syira can't even say a word. So I called my bestie, Asyreen for consultation as usual. Thank god the whole family was there supporting me and giving advice and make me forgot that I was really in a red zone!

I had to remove the tiered cake and scraped back the cake with buttercream. However, the cake that supposed to be in ivory blue and gold at first turned out to be mixed and matched color abstract. Hantam yo laa labu.

I asked Syira to drive because I wanted to hold it myself since I was super worried to pass it to somebody else (nasib baik Syira cekap drive πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘). Fyi, it was 45 mins drive from Sg Ara to Butterworth. I had to hold the 7 kg cake along the way without putting it on my lap! OMG can you imagine the back sore I have to suffer after that 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 So sad, drama, trauma, suspense, thrill. Insaf tak mau buat delivery dahh lepas ni  HAHA.

Alhamdulillah we arrived exactly on time before the bride headed to the stage. My customer was so kind and happy. She was very nice even though I was quite late. Thanks to the doa that we keep reciting along the way that are:

"Rabbi yassir wala tu 'assir, Rabbi tammim bil khair.
Ya Allah Kau permudahkan jangan Kau susahkan, Ya Allah Kau akhirkan dengan kebaikan."


Surah Al Imran ayat 31.

It was super powerful and won't disappoint me every time I recite in any emergency. You can try it by yourself!!!😝😝

The aftermath

Asyreen. I want that mixer too!

This was one of the unforgettable moments happened in my baking diary. Thus, I don't want to take any risk to accept Victoria Sandwich as wedding tier cake at the moment. But don't worry, we have many other delicious choices for wedding cake for you to choose.


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